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21 Christmas Labels Santas
19 Christmas Labels Santa & reindeer
15 Christmas Labels Trees & Elves
15 Christmas Labels Reindeer
15 Christmas Labels Traditional
12 Christmas Labels Animals
12 Christmas Labels Animals & Santas
15 Christmas Labels Santas
15 Christmas Labels Santa & reindeers
20 Christmas Labels-Pictures include a set of Forest animals. The stickers are bubble shaped.
Hedgehogs, foxes, bears, deers and birds.
20 Christmas Labels-Hedgehogs
9 Christmas Labels-with scalloped edges.
20 Christmas Labels-with Owls
20 Afrikaans Christmas Labels-Geseënde Kersfees-Pictures include a set of Forest animals. The stickers are bubble shaped.
Hedgehogs, foxes, bears, deers and birds.
140 stickers per sheet Valentines stickers- You are special
80 stickers per sheet Valentines stickers- You are special