Leadtime 3-7 working days. Rush fee is R399.00 to speed up production to 1-2 working days (does not include delivery time).
A maximum volumetric size of A3 bag applies.
How pudo works : PUDO is a convenient way of having your parcel delivered to you via to a Pudo box.
The service is provided by the Courier Guy.
The Pudo boxes are located all over SA. It's a convenient and cost effective method of delivery- especially for those outlying areas.
NB Please choose your closest pudo box to you and enter it as you make your online purchase
Go to : https://customer.pudo.co.za/service-point-locator
We will email the tracking number to you once the parcel has been booked and dispatched.
You will receive an email or sms from The Courier Guy (Pudo) to confirm when your parcel has been delivered to your pudo box.
They will provide a pin to unlock the box.
NB : Please ensure you collect your parcel promptly within 36 hours -as the Courier Guy will return the parcel to the depot if not collected in the specified timeslot.
if you have any queries regarding the PIN or PUDO box, you can contact the Courier Guy (Pudo Support team) directly.
Please use the pudo website to track your parcel: https://portal.thecourierguy.co.za/track